Platfform Poétik GRYOO / Park Poétik

During this artistic summer Park Poétik , an impact reporter captures an artist performing in this event poetically, through video and sound, a personal impression

Platfform Poétik GRYOO 01 summer 2020

Platfform Poétik GRYOO 02 summer 2021

Platform Poétik GRYOO 03 summer 2022


The process is more important than the product. Archiving is part of it.

Bundling the many different interventions online, archiving


not a classic docufilm: online witnessing and informing of the event (performative and active) with maximum participation of the participants / aftermovie, but an interactive, artistic platform



The programme is not announced beforehand, but on the day itself or in an analogous manner and directly at a counter.

Platfform Poétik GRYOO 01 summer 2020

1. Online platform = the centre of an artistic archive with a window on the undercurrent of SMSV/Park Poetik

Platform Poétik is the artistic archive of Park Poétik measuring Poétic impact. Les vidéastes composent en parallèle avec le poème.

Platform Poétik (intro) - Where are we going? / Où allons-nous?

Platform Poetik is the artistic archive of Park Poetik measuring Poetic impact.

The video artists compose in parallel with the poem.

cocreation with participants professional and outsider artists, public, passers-by.

Exchange about current concerns

IMPACT ART-SAMENLIVING is the common thread = capturing the social themes in a Park Poétik event and the artistic engine

o that are in any case incorporated in artistic interventions as dramaturgic basis ....

o that come to the surface in processes ....

o that are not explicitly named but require attention ....

So: it is not a reportage but giving an image of what is going on, bring deeper dramaturgy into dialogue or illuminate it.

This dramaturgy is the framework.

FILM or audio tape, photo ... each reporter determines this himself

IMPACTREPORTAGE on the spot feeling and questioning of doers and viewers, no third objective eye but in the midst of the event

The impact reporters are always in pairs.

The duo follow a performance and film "scenes" from the dramaturgy (+ key words)

so do research beforehand (with Ilse's help)

Captures statements, gestures, metaphorical images, expressive reactions to the event, atmosphere, .... (and films this)

Montage: in succession - chain montage, strongly reduce to powerful images, with animation .... each impact reporter duo determines this themselves in consultation with Ilse and Douwe.

Sends all this on

Footage is kept on KNEPH drive (archive / making off?)

Registration is suggestive, absurd, poetic, lyrical ....

2.FLAG FIELD Final Performance

In the Park of Forest.

Corona: not announced, the audience heard the music


  • the declamating poets

  • and the impact reporters

  • there were 2 dancers (Evert De Maeyer and Jelle Taslma)

  • and 2 musicians (Hussein Rassim and Octavio Amos).

Scenario was drawn up in advance: fully follows the growth poem. (Ilse)

Improvisation on the spot.

Scenography= large distance hoops as markers of a 1-person area.

Dancers and poets move around

+ White flags on sticks with the key words (in Dutch, French, Arabic)

Technique: Benoît De Wael (WIELS)

V-Reading poems (Ilse)

Direction (Ilse)


Platfform Poétik GRYOO 02